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Learning Statistics with Akademi Teknik Kupang

Learning Statistics with Akademi Teknik Kupang

Learning Statistics with Akademi Teknik Kupang

December 5, 2022 | BPS Activities

Do you know what the Construction Expensiveness Index is? The Construction Expensiveness Index (CCI) is a price index that describes the level of construction expensiveness of a district/city compared to the reference city. Since 2021, the reference city used is Makassar City. Well, to learn about this IKK, this morning dozens of students of the Kupang Engineering Academy visited BPS NTT Province.

The activity was opened directly by the Head of BPS NTT Province, Matamira B. Kale who explained the role and function of BPS as a provider of statistical data and continued with the presentation of material on IKK by the Statistics of the Young Expert of BPS NTT Province, Putu Dita Pickupana. Putu explained about the benefits and how to calculate the IKK. If #sahabat data also want to know about IKK data, please visit our website at


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