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Studying Statistics Together with Mts. Nurul Iman Oebobo

Studying Statistics Together with Mts. Nurul Iman Oebobo

Studying Statistics Together with Mts. Nurul Iman Oebobo

September 6, 2022 | BPS Activities

In addition to fostering institutions/agencies/agencies and local governments, today Tuesday, September 6, 2022 BPS NTT Province also received the arrival of students from MTs. Plus Nurul Iman to learn about statistics and activities at BPS. The material provided is also related to statistics that are close to daily life to make it easier to understand. The enthusiasm of the students was seen in answering every question given until the event was over with a group photo. It is hoped that through this event, the activities carried out by BPS can be known by various circles of society and everyone will increasingly like statistics.
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