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Siap Mencatat untuk Membangun Negeri?

Siap Mencatat untuk Membangun Negeri?

Siap Mencatat untuk Membangun Negeri?

October 11, 2022 | BPS Activities

Ready to Take Notes To Build The Country?

Sahabat Data, Indonesia optimizes the database through socio-economic registration (Regsosek) to encourage social protection system reform. Regsosek is a population data collection system that is useful as a reference for improving the quality of community services and will be home to a number of data, from the population sector to health. Regsosek's data will be integrated with other data aimed at ensuring the accuracy of the target recipients of government programs. The data collected in 2022 will then go through several stages until it reaches system stability in 2024. Regsosek's data collection will take place on October 15-November 14, 2022. Let's #MencatatUntukMembangunNegeri!

Friends of Data, also listen to the direction of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Jokowi @jokowi on the importance of Regsosek for Reforming the Social Protection System.

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