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NTT Siap Mencatat Indonesia

NTT Siap Mencatat Indonesia

NTT Siap Mencatat Indonesia

October 24, 2019 | BPS Activities

Thousands of government officials in the province of East Nusa Tenggara since morning have packed the Kupang Oepoi Stadium. They were preparing to attend the NTT Governor's Working Meeting with the Mayor of Kupang, the Regents, Camats, Lurahs and Village Heads in East Nusa Tenggara Province in 2019. Almost all the leaders of regional units (regencies / cities, sub-districts, villages / villages) attended the event. the. This moment was certainly not wasted by the NTT Province BPS to also invite all regional unit leaders to be involved in Indonesia's 2020 agenda, the 2020 Population Census.

"I want the NTT population census data in 2020 to be the best, valid data, so that it can be the basis of development by the governor later." Exclaimed Darwis Sitorus (Head of NTT Province BPS) when delivering material about SP2020 at the event. At that moment Darwis explained a number of important things about SP2020, such as the utilization of SP2020 data which will be used as a foundation to move towards one of Indonesia's population data, so that there are no more versions of population data in Indonesia. As well as the use of more modern methods in the 2020 population census, that is, Indonesians can independently update their data through the website. Finally, the dervish also calls on all regional unit leaders to help in the successful implementation of the 2020 Population Census.
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