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Rakorda Registrasi Sosial Ekonomi Provinsi NTT

Rakorda Registrasi Sosial Ekonomi Provinsi NTT

Rakorda Registrasi Sosial Ekonomi Provinsi NTT

September 14, 2022 | BPS Activities

Socio-Economic Registration (Regsosek) is a comprehensive data collection of Indonesian residents related to socioeconomic conditions. This data collection is the result of collaboration between several ministries and institutions to bridge the gap in the availability of socioeconomic data that is currently still often experienced. With the theme of Recording to Build the Country through One Data on Social Protection and Community Empowerment Programs, BPS NTT Province held a Regional Coordination Meeting of the 2022 Regsosek of NTT Province at the Aston hotel, Kupang. The event was officially opened by the Regional Secretary of NTT Province, Domu Warandoy and was attended by the Chief Inspector of the Central Statistics Agency, Achmad Jaelani. This Regsosek Regional Coordination Meeting also marked the start of a series of Socio-Economic Registration activities in NTT Province.


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