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Exemplary Statistics Person Award

Exemplary Statistics Person Award

Exemplary Statistics Person Award

August 29, 2022 | BPS Activities

‎As a form of official recognition and appreciation from the Central Statistics Agency to employees who have shown their achievements and exemplary and as State Civil Apparatus who have good attitudes and behaviors in society and their environment, BPS held the 2022 Exemplary Statistics Personnel election. The employees who were selected as Exemplary Statistics Personnel 2022 within the scope of BPS NTT Province are:‎

‎ ‎‎1. Ivadia E. Patola, SST, MT‎
‎2. Minanur Rohman, SST‎
‎3. Yuliana K. Dima, S.Si, MAP‎

‎The award was given in the morning apple of Monday, August 29, 2022 in the courtyard of the NTT Provincial BPS office. Sister Ivadia E. Patola will then take part in the selection of the 2022 Exemplary Statistics Personnel Selection at the national level. Congratulations and success to the employees who were selected as Exemplary Statistics Personnel. Hopefully, the awards received can further increase performance productivity for the advancement of Indonesian statistics.‎‎ ‎
‎tag.‎‎ ‎

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