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BPS Held Social Program Assitent Review 2021

BPS Held Social Program Assitent Review 2021

BPS Held Social Program Assitent Review 2021

December 21, 2021 | BPS Activities

‎President Joko Widodo has set that by 2024, indonesia's extreme poverty target is 0 percent. Therefore, all levels of government are currently promoting various efforts to deal with the problem of extreme poverty in Indonesia. BPS as a "photographer" of data in Indonesia, participated in the handling of the problem, one of which was by conducting a data collection of the Social Assistance Program Effectiveness Survey (SEPBS) in several regions in Indonesia. This survey was conducted in several areas that are considered pockets of extreme poverty, such as in West Java, Central Java, East Java, NTT, Maluku, Papua and West Papua. The survey is expected to measure the effectiveness and impact of providing additional social assistance programs on the poor. In East Nusa Tenggara, SEPBS is carried out in several regions, one of which is in East Sumba. The photo above is documentation when ‎‎ ‎‎#statmin‎‎ ‎‎ conducted data collection surveillance in East Sumba.‎‎ ‎
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