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Product - News

Socialization on Sectoral Statistics Recomendation

Socialization on Sectoral Statistics Recomendation

Socialization on Sectoral Statistics Recomendation

November 16, 2021 | BPS Activities

‎BPS as a statistical data builder in Indonesia is tasked with providing statistical recommendations to agencies / agencies that want to record statistical activities. Dalem carrying out the task, BPS has created a program called ROMANTIK (Recommendation of Online Statistical Activities). Through this program, agencies can get statistical recommendations more easily and quickly. Therefore, last Tuesday, November 16, NTT Provincial BPS invited 30 agencies / agencies in NTT Province to socialize the Romantic program. This event is also a series of efforts by BPS NTT Province in fostering agencies / agencies in the implementation of sectoral statistics in accordance with NSPK (Norms, Standards, Procedures and Criteria).‎
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