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Product - News

Congratulation on Your New Workplace, Mr. Darwis

Congratulation on Your New Workplace, Mr. Darwis

Congratulation on Your New Workplace, Mr. Darwis

November 9, 2021 | Other Activities

‎After approximately 2 years Darwis Sitorus led BPS NTT Province, many good changes that he has made to BPS NTT Province. But the task of the state has now moved, on November 5, 2021, he was officially appointed as head of BPS Riau Islands Province. The inauguration was held online, and led directly by the Head of BPS, Margo Yuwono.‎
‎On November 9, 2021, BPS NTT Province held a simple farewell event. Involving all employees of NTT Provincial BPS, representatives of BPS Kota Kupang, representatives of BPS Kupang Regency and Heads of BPS Regency / City in NTT the event was held by complying with strict health protocols. At the event, NTT Provincial BPS employees displayed their last offerings to him in the form of drama performances, videos and souvenirs. The many good experiences with him made this farewell moment feel sad and heavy. Even so, we believe trust is never wrong to choose the shoulders. Thank you Darwis Sitorus for your service at BPS NTT Province, Good Luck in a new place!‎
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