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The funeral of Mr. Jacobus Kale

The funeral of Mr. Jacobus Kale

The funeral of Mr. Jacobus Kale

November 7, 2019 | Other Activities

Family cries and relatives accompanied funeral Kasubbag Public BPS NTT, Alm. Jacobus Kale, this afternoon (7/11). The funeral service, which was led by the Head of BPS NTT, Darwis Sitorus, was held at the residence of Alm. Jacobus Kale, in the Fontein Village, Kupang City.

During his life, Ako (the nickname of Mr. Jacobus Kale) was known as a friendly and smiling person. He is also famous for being firm and responsible. The NTT BPS extended family will always commemorate the services he has provided to this country. May the deceased's soul be accepted at his best, amen.

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