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Jurnal Statistika Applied (JSTAR) BPS NTT Officially Launched!

Jurnal Statistika Applied (JSTAR) BPS NTT Officially Launched!

Jurnal Statistika Applied (JSTAR) BPS NTT Officially Launched!

September 17, 2021 | BPS Activities

‎[Jurnal Statistika Applied (JSTAR) BPS NTT Officially Launched!]‎
‎The Central Statistics Agency as a statistical data provider in Indonesia is required to be able to present statistical data in various media, whether in the form of graphic displays, writing, print media, or digital media. These demands encourage the millennial generation of NTT Province BPS to form a platform for writing scientific papers with in-depth analysis of BPS data. From there the forerunner of the Journal of Applied Statistics (JSTAR) was formed.‎
‎This morning, the Journal of Applied Statistics (JSTAR) was officially launched by the Head of BPS NTT Province, Darwis Sitorus. Held livestreaming, the event which was also a webinar titled "Optimization of Data Science in Policy Making" was attended by more than 200 participants who attended virtually. Also present at this event was Deputy for Statistical Methodology and Information Dr. Eng Imam Machdi, M.T. as keynote speakers and Setia Pramana, S.Si, Ph.D (Associate Professor of STIS Statistical Polytechnic and Coordinator of Statistical Model Development BPS) as speakers at the webinar. Furthermore, BPS NTT Province also held a Call For Papper for The Journal of Applied Statistics (JSTAR) Volume 2 entitled "The Role of Statistics in Sustainable Regional Development During the Covid-19 Pandemic in East Nusa Tenggara". The full article of JSTAR can be accessed on the page, for #sahabatdata interested in submitting a journal for JSTAR Volume 2 also visit the site.‎
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