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Pembinaan SAKIP BPS se-NTT

Pembinaan SAKIP BPS se-NTT

Pembinaan SAKIP BPS se-NTT

October 22, 2019 | Other Activities

Perpres No. 29 of 2014 concerning Performance Accountability Systems of Government Agencies, states that all government agencies are required to take responsibility for the implementation of programs and activities that have been mandated. In order to account for and improve the performance of government agencies, a government agency performance accountability system (SAKIP) was designed for the determination, measurement, data collection, classification, summarizing and reporting of performance.

Perka BPS No. 9 of 2015 states that all work units and work units are required to understand the proper SAKIP implementation process including tasks, functions and work programs in order to increase accountability. NTT BPS has organized SAKIP in all work units and Satker in the regions. To support the organization of SAKIP in the satker in order to have the same and correct perceptions as mandated, the NTT Provincial BPS SAKIP was fostered, followed by all Provincial BPS and City BPS BPS representatives. This activity was held at the T-More Kupang Sahid Hotel on 21-24 October 2019. This activity was officially opened by the Head of BPS of the Province of East Nusa Tenggara Mr. Darwis Sitorus
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