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Sakernas in the Middle of Pandemic

Sakernas in the Middle of Pandemic

Sakernas in the Middle of Pandemic

January 25, 2021 | BPS Activities

Labor condition data is an important indicator in development planning. Data such as the open unemployment rate, the number of workers, the number of unemployed and so on are generated from a survey conducted by BPS, namely the National Labor Force Survey (SAKERNAS). The survey was carried out in all regions of Indonesia with an estimated district / city level. Taking place in the midst of a pandemic, this time SAKERNAS has undergone several adjustments. Officer training, which is usually done face-to-face, has now shifted to online training. The survey also implemented strict health protocols.
"The implementation of the Sakernas field in February 2021 must be carried out by implementing strict health protocols. Field officers must not be negligent in using the PPE provided in order to provide maximum protection and maintain comfort." said the Head of the NTT Provincial BPS, Darwis Sitorus when opening an online training event on January 25, 2021. The implementation of SAKERNAS in the midst of a pandemic has been going on since August 2020. Although during the implementation many were faced with various obstacles and adjustments in various ways, this survey was able to run quite well. and produce data in accordance with predetermined standards.
This online training will be held January 25-26, 2021 with 163 participants. Officers with good signal coverage access independent learning from where they live, while officers from remote areas conduct online learning by utilizing facilities at their respective District BPS offices.

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