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Coordination of SP Online 2020 with Lantamal VII Kupang

Coordination of SP Online 2020 with Lantamal VII Kupang

Coordination of SP Online 2020 with Lantamal VII Kupang

March 16, 2020 | BPS Activities

(03/16/2020) As one of the main guards in safeguarding the security of the Indonesian State, the Indonesian National Army also has a crucial role in the success of important government programs, including the 2020 Population Census. March 16, 2020, the Head of the NTT Province BPS, Darwis Sitorus together with the ranks silaturrahmi as well as coordination with the Navy at the Navy Base Base (Lantamal) VII Kupang. The arrival of the Dervish was welcomed by the Kupang VII Lantamal Commander, First Admiral of the TNI. IG Kompiang Aribawa. A positive response was given by the Aribawa Commander to respond to the 2020 Online Population Census that is currently taking place. He instructed the entire staff to immediately make a letter of appeal to all personnel of Lantamal VII in order to participate in implementing the 2020 Online Population Census.
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