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The NTT Information Commission greets BPS

The NTT Information Commission greets BPS

The NTT Information Commission greets BPS

March 16, 2020 | Other Activities

The Information Commission is a commission formed by the governor as a follow up to Law No. 14 of 2008 concerning public information disclosure. Last March 16, 6 members of the East Nusa Tenggara Provincial Information Commission visited the NTT Provincial Central Statistics Office to socialize the functions and duties of the Information Commission. The Information Commission has several functions including being an intermediary / mediator in the event of an information dispute. Information dispute is a condition where consumers of information feel that their rights are not fulfilled by the relevant information provider agency. In addition, the Information Commission also has an obligation to ensure that each regional agency, both vertical and local, has an Information and Documentation Management Officer (PPID). PPID is the party responsible for managing information and documentation in an institution. The Head of the NTT Province BPS, Darwis Sitorus welcomed the initiation meeting, he said that BPS was also committed and tried to continue to convey various information, especially strategic data which was already an obligation of the Central Statistics Agency. In addition, Darwis also said that the NTT BPS had also begun efforts to open public information from the past through various media, such as press releases, websites, social media and also electronic mail.
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