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Inauguration of Echelon IV Officer

Inauguration of Echelon IV Officer

 Inauguration of Echelon IV Officer

November 4, 2019 | Other Activities

This morning (4/11), Darwis Sitorus (Head of BPS of the Province of East Nusa Tenggara) inaugurated 6 Echelon IV officials at BPS in NTT province scope, while the list of Echelon IV officials appointed was as follows:

1. Aluse Destiah Kana Mangngi, SST: Inaugurated as Head of IPDS District. Southwest Sumba
2. Dewi Kurnia Ayuningtyas, SST, M.Ec.Dev: Inaugurated as Head of IPDS Kupang City
3. Norfiana Rosalin Bianome, SE: Inaugurated as Head of Statistics Distribution District. Rote Ndao
4. Anna Ellenora Nainupu, SST, M.Ec.Dev: Appointed as Head of Section of IPDS Section. North Central Timor
5. Mursid, S. Sos: Inaugurated as Head of Production Statistics Kupang City
7. Meri Yuliana Palla, SE: Inaugurated as Head of Production Statistics District. Rote Ndao

Hopefully the mandate carried can be carried out properly.
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