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Product - Official Statistics News

East Nusa Tenggara's trade balance in December 2023 experienced a surplus of US$ 1.98 million

East Nusa Tenggara's trade balance in December 2023 experienced a surplus of US$ 1.98 million

Release Date : February 1, 2024
File Size : 0.44 MB


  • East Nusa Tenggara Province's exports in December 2023 will reach US$ 5,226,433 with a volume of 10,160.3 tons. The export value in December 2023 decreased by 9.26 percent from exports in November 2023. Compared to December 2022, NTT's export value decreased by 0.31 percent.
  • Non-oil and gas exports in December 2023 were valued at USD 4,855,171, down 7.2 percent compared to November 2023 and also decreased by 3.54 percent compared to December 2022.
  • Cumulatively, NTT's export value from January to December 2023 reached USD 60,047,486, an increase of 23.39 percent compared to the same period in 2022. Meanwhile, non-oil and gas exports reached US $ 57,576,670 or rose 23.56 percent.
  • The largest percentage increase in NTT's non-oil and gas exports in December 2023 against November 2023 occurred in the Iron and Steel Objects commodity group
  • (73) namely an increase of US $ 70.87 thousand (up 54.51 percent), while the largest decrease occurred in the Beverage commodity group (22) which fell by US $ 94.78 thousand (down 24.82 percent)
  • Oil and gas and non-oil and gas exports in December 2023 through loading ports in NTT were sent to Timor Leste (99.37 percent), Australia (0.46 percent), and Singapore (0.17 percent).
  • According to the port of origin of goods, NTT exports from January to December were carried out through the Land Gate in Atambua amounting to US $ 31,790,462 (42.91 percent), followed by Atapupu port of US $ 25,084,008 (33.86 percent). A total of US$ 16,888,979 (22.8 percent) of goods were exported through loading ports outside NTT.
  • The import value of East Nusa Tenggara Province in December 2023 reached USD 3.25 million with a volume of 5,069.72 tons. The import value in December 2023 decreased by 83.31 percent compared to imports in November 2023. When compared to December 2022, the import value also decreased by 83.56 percent.
  • NTT's imports in December 2023 will entirely come from the non-oil and gas sector.
  • Cumulatively, NTT's import value from January to December 2023 reached USD 70.32 million, an increase of 227.96 percent compared to the same period in 2022.
  • In December 2023, the commodity group with the largest import value in the non-oil and gas sector was contributed by the Wheat group (10) of USD 3.07 million.
  • Non-oil and gas imports in December 2023, originating from Thailand enter through Tenau Port in Kupang City, and from Timor Leste entering through the Land Gate in Atambua.

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