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Product - Official Statistics News

January 2023 Farmer Exchange Rate (NTP) of 95.56, down 0.05 percent when compared to December 2022

January 2023 Farmer Exchange Rate (NTP) of 95.56, down 0.05 percent when compared to December 2022

Release Date : February 1, 2023
File Size : 0.74 MB


The Farmer Exchange Rate (NTP) for January 2023 is based on the calculation of NTP with a base year of 2018 (2018=100). This NTP calculation includes 5 subsectors, namely rice & palawija, horticulture, community plantation crops, animal husbandry and fisheries.

In January 2023, East Nusa Tenggara's NTP was 95.56 with the NTP of each subsector recorded at 94.43 for the rice-palawija crop subsector (NTP-P), 101.67 for the horticulture sub-sector (NTP-H); 90.31 for the smallholder plantation crop subsector (NTP-TPR); 109.35 for the livestock subsector (NTP-Pt) and 96.51 for the fisheries subsector (NTP-Pi).

There was a decrease of 0.05 percent in January 2023 when compared to the December 2022 NTP. The decline in the price index is due to the slower development of the receive price index than the pay price. This happens in the horticulture subsector and smallholder plantation crops.

In rural areas, inflation was recorded at 0.97 percent, especially in the food, beverage and tobacco commodity groups.
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