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Product - Official Statistics News

April 2021 NTP is down 0.29 percent to March 2021 NTP

April 2021 NTP is down 0.29 percent to March 2021 NTP

Release Date : May 3, 2021
File Size : 1.64 MB


  • Farmers Exchange Rate (NTP) in April 2021 is based on the calculation of NTP with the base year 2018 (2018 = 100). This NTP calculation includes 5 sub-sectors, namely the sub-sector of rice & secondary crops, horticulture, smallholder plantation crops, livestock and fisheries.
  • In April, the NTP in Nusa Tenggara Timur was 94.38 with the NTP of each sub-sector recorded at 93.65 for the sub-sector of rice-secondary crops (NTP-P); 104.03 for the horticulture sub-sector (NTP-H); 90.52 for the smallholder plantation crop subsector (NTP-TPR); 102.22 for the livestock sub-sector (NTP-Pt) and 93.12 for the fisheries sub-sector (NTP-Pi).
  • There was a decrease of 0.29 percent in April NTP when compared to March NTP. The decline in the price index was due to a decrease in the price of farm-level commodities.
  • In rural areas there is an inflation of 0.13 percent influenced by changes in prices for recreation, sports and culture as well as food, beverages and tobacco.

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