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Product - Official Statistics News

271,316 people traveled through 14 airport in NTT in February 2020

271,316 people traveled through 14 airport in NTT in February 2020

Release Date : April 1, 2020
File Size : 0.97 MB


The Room Occupancy Rate (TPK) of Star Hotels in East Nusa Tenggara Province (NTT) in February 2020 was 38.50 percent, down 0.76 points compared to the TPK of January 2020 which amounted to 39.26 percent.
• The number of guests staying at the star hotels in February2020 was 30,693 people, with details of 28,209 guests of the archipelago and 2,484 foreign guests.
• The average length of stay of guests in star-rated hotels in February 2020 for 1.74 days. The average length of stay between stays of 1.64 days and the average length of stay of foreign countries stays for 2.74 days.
• The number of air transport passengers arriving in NTT in February 2020 was 131,370 people while the number of departing passengers was 139,946 people.
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