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Product - News

Caring for Lewotobi Victims: BPS throughout NTT Raises Aid

Caring for Lewotobi Victims: BPS throughout NTT Raises Aid

Caring for Lewotobi Victims: BPS throughout NTT Raises Aid

November 15, 2024 | Other Activities

The eruption of Mount Lewotobi Laki in East Flores Regency since Monday (04/11) is still emitting volcanic ash which continues to this day. As a result of this disaster, many residents became victims and fled to safer places.

Korpri BPS throughout East Nusa Tenggara Province distributed aid to the victims of this disaster through BPS Sikka Regency. The assistance provided was in the form of mineral water, clothing and foodstuffs to the Waigete Command Post. Hopefully this assistance can ease the burden on the victims and Mount Lewotobi Male will recover as usual.

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