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Launching the First Statistics Corner in Flores and Sumba

Launching the First Statistics Corner in Flores and Sumba

Launching the First Statistics Corner in Flores and Sumba

October 31, 2024 | Other Activities

#SahabatData! There's something new! 2 Statistics Corners have been launched for the first time in Flores and Sumba!

Today, the Statistics Corner of the Larantuka Teacher Training and Technology Institute (IKTL) in East Flores Regency and the Statistics Corner of Wira Wacana Christian University of Sumba (UNKRISWINA) in East Sumba Regency were inaugurated. The Head of BPS NTT Province, Matamira B. Kale had the opportunity to directly inaugurate the IKTL Statistics Corner in East Flores Regency together with the @bpsflorestimur team and the IKTL Academic Community. At the same time, the UNKRISWINA Sumba Statistics Corner was also inaugurated by the Head of BPS East Sumba Regency, Saudur Irsani H. Sibarani together with the @bps_sumbatimur team and the UNKRISWINA Sumba academic community.

This Statistics Corner is an extension of BPS's statistical services for universities. In it will be available various statistical services, such as statistical data consultation services, statistical education services and also statistical data promotion services. Through this collaboration, it is expected to facilitate access for the academic community to BPS statistical services while increasing statistical literacy of the academic community.

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