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FGD on Preparation of GRDP for Quarter III of NTT Province

FGD on Preparation of GRDP for Quarter III of NTT Province

FGD on Preparation of GRDP for Quarter III of NTT Province

October 8, 2024 | BPS Activities

BPS East Nusa Tenggara Province held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on the Preparation of Gross Regional Domestic Product (GDP) for the Third Quarter of East Nusa Tenggara Province which was held at the Aston Hotel, Kupang on Tuesday, October 8, 2024. The purpose of this FGD is to obtain supporting data and information related to the preparation of the Quarterly GDP of East Nusa Tenggara Province. This event was attended by representatives of Agencies/Institutions/Stakeholders who are directly related to the preparation of this GDP.

This event was opened by the Head of the General Section of BPS NTT Province, Adi Hendrik Manafe and continued with the delivery of material by Dr. Stanis Man, lecturer at the Master of Management Program of Widya Mandira Catholic University Kupang on the Latest Opportunities and Challenges of the NTT Economy to Create Inclusive Economic Growth.

Furthermore, the discussion was continued by BPS facilitators with Agencies/Institutions/Stakeholders to obtain supporting data and information on supporting or other phenomena.

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