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Collaboration between BPS NTT Province and RRI Kupang

Collaboration between BPS NTT Province and RRI Kupang

Collaboration between BPS NTT Province and RRI Kupang

August 26, 2024 | Other Activities

BPS NTT Province and RRI Kupang signed an MoU on Broadcast Program Cooperation The

Head of LPP RRI Kupang, Yuliana Marta Doky together with the Head of BPS NTT Province, Matamira B. Kale have signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Broadcast Program Cooperation which took place in the Hall of the Second Floor of the BPS NTT Provincial Office. Also present at the event was the General Manager of PT PLN UIW NTT, Mr. Ajrun Karim.

Yuliana said that Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI) has a responsibility as a media that must convey information related to policies made by the government so that it is conveyed to the public. It is necessary to hold this collaboration so that RRI in conveying information to the community, can be accompanied by complete data and can answer the needs of the community.

"We would like to express our gratitude to LPP RRI Kupang for providing the opportunity for BPS NTT Province to disseminate various data and information to the public, we hope that this cooperation program can be improved in the following years so that the statistical data produced by BPS NTT Province can be felt by the wider community," said Mira in her speech.

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