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BPS Monitors the Accuracy and Completeness of 2023 PL-KUMKM Results

BPS Monitors the Accuracy and Completeness of 2023 PL-KUMKM Results

BPS Monitors the Accuracy and Completeness of 2023 PL-KUMKM Results

November 29, 2023 | BPS Activities

Field activities for the 2023 Complete Data Collection on Cooperatives and MSMEs (PL-KUMKM) have been completed since October 2023, but the series of PL-KUMKM activities are still ongoing today. Located at the Sylvia Premiere Hotel Kupang, more than 100 BPS employees throughout East Nusa Tenggara Province carried out data reconciliation on PL-KUMKM 2023 results. After going through a fairly long and energy-intensive data collection stage, BPS is still struggling with the next stage, namely checking anomalies and completeness. PL-KUMKM 2023 data.

At this stage, data that has previously been collected by field officers is checked again to detect possible anomalies, errors or deficiencies in field data collection. These findings were then confirmed back to the officers and then adjustments were made to the temporary data according to field conditions. This stage is one of a series of statistical data collection standards that have been regulated in the GSBPM (Generic Statistical Business Process Model), namely international statistical data collection standards. Increasing data accuracy is the main goal of this stage.

BPS also checks financial administration as a form of accountability for BPS as a user of the government budget. The activity, which was planned to last for two effective days, was opened by the Head of BPS NTT Province, Mrs. Matamira B. Kale, and attended by representatives from BPS RI, namely Mr. Pipit Helly Sorayan, Director of BPS Expenditure Balance.

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