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Seminar Nasional Tantangan Pariwisata NTT

Seminar Nasional Tantangan Pariwisata NTT

Seminar Nasional Tantangan Pariwisata NTT

November 14, 2023 | BPS Activities

The National Seminar with the theme "East Nusa Tenggara Tourism Challenges in the Middle of Soaring Air Transportation Costs" has been held in a hybrid manner. Located at Harper Hotel, this National Seminar presented speakers from BPS RI, namely DR. Windhiarso Ponco Adi Putranto, S.Si., M.Eng as Director of Price Statistics, Mr. Joni Lie Rohi Lodo, SH Head of Industry and Creative Economy of the Tourism and Creative Economy Office of NTT Province and Mr. Sari Bandaso Tandilino, SE., MM Lecturer of the Department of Tourism Kupang State Polytechnic. This activity was opened by the Head of BPS NTT Province, Mrs. Matamira B. Kale and moderated by Associate Expert Statistician Demarce M. Sabuna. The participants who attended came from Academics, Regional Officials, Journalists and Students.

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