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Apple Commemorates National Statistics Day

Apple Commemorates National Statistics Day

Apple Commemorates National Statistics Day

September 26, 2023 | Other Activities

#SahabatData, Today September 26 is celebrated as National Statistics Day (HSN). The theme of HSN 2023 this time is "Quality Statistics for Advanced Indonesia" which shows the importance of the role of statistics in realizing Advanced Indonesia to welcome Golden Indonesia 2045.
Head of BPS NTT Province, Matamira B. Kale led the apple which was attended by all employees in the yard of the NTT Provincial BPS office. In her message, Mira conveyed the message that whatever our role, big or small, we should do it with sincerity and do our best.
After the apple was completed, it was continued with tumpeng cutting and blood donation activities with PMI.
Happy National Statistics Day 2023.
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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