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Socialization of Population Projections for Districts/Cities of NTT Province

Socialization of Population Projections for Districts/Cities of NTT Province

Socialization of Population Projections for Districts/Cities of NTT Province

July 28, 2023 | BPS Activities

On July 28, 2023, the Central Bureau of Statistics of East Nusa Tenggara Province held a Socialization of the Population Projections of East Nusa Tenggara Province Districts / Cities for 2020-2035 at Aston Hotel, Kupang. The activity was attended by relevant stakeholders.

The event was opened by Associate Expert Statistician, Indra A.S. Souri. In his presentation, he raised important points in this socialization such as extensive utilization of projection data, key indicators, Total Fertility Rate (TFR) related to population growth in balance and interpreting projection results as possible conditions in the future.

This event also invited resource persons Prof. Dr. I Gusti Bagus Arjana, M.S, an academician of Undana Purnabhakti as well as Chairman of the Indonesian Population Coalition and chairman of the Indonesian Family Planning Association of NTT Province. The material was presented related to population data and projections for development planning/public policy in NTT Province. The second material on population projections for 2020-2035 to support the realization of a prosperous and advanced NTT society was delivered by the Associate Expert Statistician, Ir. Yezua H.F.H. Abel, M.Si then continued with discussion and question and answer.

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