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Product - News

FGD on Quality Improvement of Export Data

FGD on Quality Improvement of Export Data

FGD on Quality Improvement of Export Data

May 11, 2023 | Other Activities

To obtain quality export data, of course, support and cooperation from various parties, both government agencies and the export actors themselves, are needed. In order to realize this, BPS NTT Province held an FGD on Improving Export Data Quality as a vehicle in identifying obstacles and challenges in improving the quality of export data, as well as developing strategies to overcome existing problems.
The event, which was opened directly by the Head of BPS NTT Province, Matamira B. Kale, lasted for one day effectively at Harper Hotel, Kupang. The event was also attended by the Head of Kupang Customs Office, Tribuana Wetangterah, representatives from the NTT Provincial Industry and Trade Office, and exporters.

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