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Focus group discussion (FGD) on the preparation of the 2022 Indonesian Democracy Index (IDI)

Focus group discussion (FGD) on the preparation of the 2022 Indonesian Democracy Index (IDI)

Focus group discussion (FGD) on the preparation of the 2022 Indonesian Democracy Index (IDI)

April 18, 2023 | BPS Activities

IDI is a measure to photograph the quality of democratic behavior of the government and society in the territory of Indonesia. IDI has been calculated by BPS since 2009 and in 2018, the preparation of IDI was initiated by an official study from Bappenas with the collaboration of 3 research institutions: CWI, SMERU Research Institute and PUSAD Paramadina. In 2022, IDI 2021 began to be calculated with a new method by including 3 dimensions of democracy: freedom, equality and the capacity of democratic institutions.
The preparation of IDI comes from various sources of information, one of which is through FGD. Today (18/04) at Naka Kupang hotel, BPS NTT Province held an IDI FGD with speakers who came from various backgrounds such as academics, advocates, and politicians. Through this FGD, it is hoped that the output of IDI NTT 2022 can truly illustrate the size of political development in NTT.

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