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Focus Group Discussion Standar Pelayanan Publik BPS Provinsi NTT

Focus Group Discussion Standar Pelayanan Publik BPS Provinsi NTT

Focus Group Discussion Standar Pelayanan Publik BPS Provinsi NTT

April 14, 2023 | BPS Activities

As an agency providing public services, the Central Bureau of Statistics has the obligation to set and publish public service standards. Good public service standards are constantly updated and reviewed to ensure the conformity of public service standards with the latest developments. This morning, BPS East Nusa Tenggara Province held a Focus Group Discussion on Public Service Standards 2023. The Focus Group Discussion which was opened directly by the Head of BPS NTT Province, Matamira B. Kale was also attended by the Head of the Indonesian Ombudsman NTT Representative, Darius Beda Daton. On this occasion, Mr. Darius delivered material related to measuring the quality of public services.
The main agenda in this Focus Group Discussion is a hearing as well as the determination of Public Service Standards of BPS NTT Province. In the hearing session of BPS NTT Province invited various representatives of BPS data users, such as the community, agencies, mass media and students. This is done to accommodate the aspirations and opinions of BPS data users on public service standards that have been prepared, so that good and appropriate public service standards are obtained.

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