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Visit of Consulate General of India to BPS Province of NTT

Visit of Consulate General of India to BPS Province of NTT

Visit of Consulate General of India to BPS Province of NTT

March 16, 2023 | Other Activities

The Central Bureau of Statistics as a statistical provider in Indonesia does not only play a national role. BPS also collaborates with various international organizations. One form of cooperation was illustrated by the visit of the Consulate General of India to the NTT Provincial BPS Office some time ago. The arrival of Mrs. Neeharika Singh, Consul General of India was warmly welcomed by the Head of BPS NTT Province, Matamira B. Kale. This meeting aims to strengthen the cooperative relationship between the Consulate General of India and BPS NTT Province as the main provider of international trade data between Indonesia and India.
Mrs. Neeharika Singh hoped that the cooperative relationship between the Consul General of India and NTT Province would not only be in data exchange, she further said that investment opportunities between India and NTT Province were very wide open. NTT as an agricultural province has a considerable possibility to attract the attention of Indian investors in agriculture which is currently starting to develop to an advanced stage, such as the use of AI in agriculture.

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