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Visit of Head of Bureau of Public Relations and Law of BPS RI

Visit of Head of Bureau of Public Relations and Law of BPS RI

Visit of Head of Bureau of Public Relations and Law of BPS RI

December 16, 2022 | BPS Activities

Imperceptibly the end of the year is just counting the days. Approaching the end of 2022, BPS NTT Province received a visit from the Head of the Public Relations and Law Bureau of BPS, Margaretha Ari Anggorowati. During his visit, Ari and his team delivered a presentation on the importance of preparing business processes and SOPs in an implementation of activities. The business process of activities is a reference for government agencies in seeing working relationships between organizational units that are effective and efficient to achieve activity output.
The activity was held in the Main Hall of BPS NTT Province and was attended by employees. It seemed that the employees were enthusiastic about listening to the presentation and asking questions and providing useful input. It is hoped that input from this region can be an input for BPS to compile SOPs that are more effective and efficient and implementative for the regions.
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