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Visit of the Deputy for Production Statistics of BPS to Bumi Flobamorata

Visit of the Deputy for Production Statistics of BPS to Bumi Flobamorata

Visit of the Deputy for Production Statistics of BPS to Bumi Flobamorata

April 19, 2022 | Other Activities

‎Welcoming the implementation of the 2020 Advanced Population Census and the 2023 Agricultural Census, Deputy for Production Statistics of the Central Statistics Agency M. Habibullah S.Si, M.Si took the time to visit bps east Nusa Tenggara Province. The work visit began with the supervision of survey processing activities at BPS Kupang City, currently BPS is conducting various survey activities, such as the National Socio-Economic Survey (SUSENAS) and the Cost of Living Survey (SBH). Furthermore, Mr. Habib took the time to review the activities of the Corn Commodity Tile Survey. At that moment, Mr. Habib also jumped directly into the cornfields of local residents who became the selected sample at the Corn Commodity Tile Survey. The first day's activity ended with Sharing Knowledge with BPS employees of East Nusa Tenggara Province which was packaged in BARISTA (Bacarita Ringkas Statistik) activities with Pak Habib at the BPS Office of East Nusa Tenggara Province. Pak Habibullah is scheduled to open the Regional Technical Meeting for the preparation of the Advanced SP2020 Data Collection on April 19, 2022 which was held at the Aston Hotel.‎‎ ‎
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