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Happy Heroes Day Indonesia 2021

Happy Heroes Day Indonesia 2021

Happy Heroes Day Indonesia 2021

November 10, 2021 | Other Activities

‎Indonesia's independence was achieved with the great sacrifice of the previous generation, the sweat of the struggle of the National Heroes. Their services are very influential in alleviating Indonesia from hundreds of years of colonization that we used to experience. It is the struggle of these heroes that we commemorate every November 10th. Through the implementation of the ceremony, BPS NTT Province also commemorates the services of National Heroes.‎

‎Led by Darwis Sitorus, the ceremony was held in the courtyard of the NTT Provincial BPS Office. At this ceremony was also pinned satya badge to 10 ASN BPS NTT Province. Raising the theme of My Hero My inspiration commemoration of Heroes Day 2021 is expected to inspire the younger generations to continue to move in a better direction, continuing the struggle of previous heroes. For a more prosperous Indonesia.‎

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