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BPS NTT selenggarakan Vaksinasi Covid-19 bagi Masyarakat Sekitar

BPS NTT selenggarakan Vaksinasi Covid-19 bagi Masyarakat Sekitar

BPS NTT selenggarakan Vaksinasi Covid-19 bagi Masyarakat Sekitar

September 17, 2021 | Other Activities

‎[BPS NTT Organizes Covid-19 Vaccination for The Surrounding Community]‎
‎As a form of concern for the surrounding community, BPS NTT Province held a covid-19 vaccination program for ntt people, especially Kupang City, which has not been touched by the vaccination program. In collaboration with Bhayangkara Kupang Hospital, as many as 178 people get the Covid-19 Sinovac vaccine dose I, the implementation of the second dose vaccine will also be held again by BPS NTT Province. The event, which was opened by the Head of BPS ntt province, Darwis Sitorus, was one of the activities of the series of National Statistics Day events that fell on September 26, 2021.‎
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