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Rekonsiliasi Daerah Indeks Kemahalan Konstruksi 2021

Rekonsiliasi Daerah Indeks Kemahalan Konstruksi 2021

Rekonsiliasi Daerah Indeks Kemahalan Konstruksi 2021

June 9, 2021 | BPS Activities

‎This morning, BPS NTT Province held a Regional Reconciliation of Construction Skills Index (IKK) in conjunction with the Evaluation of Distribution Statistics Work Program and Sectoral Development. Located in Swiss BellInn, Kupang this activity will take place from 7-13 June 2021 and opened directly by the Head of General Section, Adi H. Manafe.‎
‎In his speech, Adi said that IKK is a spatial index so this data should be able to provide an overview of the comparison between districts / cities in a certain period. IKK is very important data because it is a general allocation fund allocator.‎
‎Also present in this activity Doddy P. H. Soetopo from ntt Regional Settlement Infrastructure Hall as a resource person who will deliver the introductory material before the IKK Rekon begins. Rekon participants are all coordinators or persons in charge of distribution functions in East Nusa Tenggara.‎
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