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Ujian Tahap 1 PMB POLSTAT STIS 2021/2022

Ujian Tahap 1 PMB POLSTAT STIS 2021/2022

Ujian Tahap 1 PMB POLSTAT STIS 2021/2022

June 4, 2021 | BPS Activities

‎POLSTAT STIS is one of the universities under the auspices of the Central Statistics Agency located in Jakarta. Polstat STIS graduates will automatically become their main civil servants in the Central Statistics Agency. On June 1-4, 2021, a Phase I TEST of PMB POLSTAT STIS was conducted at the Ntt Provincial Statistics Central Bureau Office. Phase I test is a selection of basic competencies (SKD) with direct supervision by the National Staffing Agency. The exam, which was attended by 480 participants from NTT, took place with strict health protocols, prospective students were required to wear gloves and masks, as well as wash their hands and check their body temperature before taking the exam. In addition, the exam supervision protocol is also carried out optimally, prospective students are carried out face scans and checking luggage before entering the exam room. Participants who pass the test will take phase II, namely psychotest and mathematics, there are a total of III selection stages in the PMB POLSTAT STIS process in 2021/2022.‎
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