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Welcoming CPNS Polsat STIS

Welcoming CPNS Polsat STIS

Welcoming CPNS Polsat STIS

May 19, 2021 | Other Activities

‎In the dynamics of the implementation of the government process, human resources are one of the main aspects to make the government process take place properly. The Central Bureau of Statistics periodically updates human resources through the acceptance of CPNS graduates of the Polytechnic Statistics STIS. Today, as many as 31 polstat STIS graduates are placed in several BPS Districts in NTT Province. This is a new chapter for them to start serving the country as civil servants in the Central Bureau of Statistics.‎
‎Before heading to BPS district / city, CPNS polstat STIS graduates were given a briefing by the Head of BPS NTT Province, Darwis Sitorus. Accompanied by Echelon III and Statistisi Madya Functional Officials, Darwis conveyed various related things that need to be known by CPNS, such as the geography of each region, work ethics and culture, and a glimpse of organizations in BPS NTT Province.‎
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