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Product - News




April 16, 2021 | BPS Activities

‎As a sectoral statistics supervisor, the Central Bureau of Statistics has an obligation to provide guidance to agencies / institutions to improve the quality of sectoral data in the institution / institution. In line with this role, Bappelitbangda NTT Province in collaboration with BPS has established an integrated data system called SIMANDATARIS (Strategic Data Management System) which is a form of One NTT Data from the village: NTT Bangkit dan Sejahtera.‎‎ ‎
‎In front of various components of the Public Relations Coordinating Board (BAKOHUMAS) of East Nusa Tenggara Province, head of BPS NTT Province, Darwis Sitorus explained the importance of the existence of One Data in NTT ‎
‎ ‎‎Province. SIMANDATARIS is one of the tangible manifestations of the implementation of One Data in NTT, Said Maxianses H. Manafe, Secretary of Bappelitbangda NTT Province. Through SIMANDATARIS, it is expected to provide a more detailed picture of various useful indicators in the development planning of NTT province.‎‎ ‎
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