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NTT High Prosecutors Office is ready to succeed the 2020 Population Census.

NTT High Prosecutors Office is ready to succeed the 2020 Population Census.

NTT High Prosecutors Office is ready to succeed the 2020 Population Census.

March 9, 2020 | BPS Activities

(09/03/2020) As one of the elements in the Regional Leadership Coordination Forum (Forkopimda), the Attorney General's Office has a strong role in the success of the government program. Therefore on Monday March 9, 2020, Darwis Sitorus, Head of the Central Statistics Agency of BPS NTT visited the NTT High Prosecutor's Office to stay in touch and coordinate with the 2020 Online Population Census. On this occasion, Dervish was accompanied by his staff to convey the urgency and benefits of the 2020 Online Population Census. this.
A positive response was given by the Head of the NTT High Prosecutors Office, Phator Rohman. He then instructed the High Prosecutors Office throughout East Nusa Tenggara to contribute to the success of the 2020 Population Census activities. Not only that, Phator also instructed all NTT District Attorney staff to participate in the 2020 Online Population Census.
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