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BPS Goes to Undana International Education Fair

BPS Goes to Undana International Education Fair

BPS Goes to Undana International Education Fair

March 9, 2020 | Other Activities

Some time ago, the East Nusa Tenggara Province BPS Team had the opportunity to participate in the 2020 International Education Fair held by Nusa Cendana University. The education fair which was participated by 15 scholarship vendors was an annual event organized by UNDANA and this year was the fourth year BPS of NTT Province participated in the event.

Carrying official offices of the Central Bureau of Statistics, namely the STIS Statistics Polytechnic, BPS of the NTT Province, also joined with several other scholarship vendors, such as LPDP, Australian Award, AMINEF, etc. On this occasion BPS representatives also gave a presentation on POLSTAT STIS @polstatstis. The participants seemed quite enthusiastic in listening to the presentation presented. In addition, the NTT Province BPS also participated in socializing the Online Population Census that was taking place until 31 March 2020.
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