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Inauguration of Echelon IV and Functional Officers

Inauguration of Echelon IV and Functional Officers

Inauguration of Echelon IV and Functional Officers

February 6, 2020 | Other Activities


Located in the hall of the NTT Province Central Statistics Agency, a total of 8 employees in the BPS environment in East Nusa Tenggara were appointed to take up new positions. Here are the names of officials who were appointed:
1. Franky Mudiwan Ratu Kore, S.Sc. as Head of the General Subdivision of the NTT Province BPS
2. Septiana Safitri, S.Sc. as Head of NTT Province BPS Financial Subdivision
3. Maria Immaculata Skera, S.H. as Head of the Kupang Regency BPS Administrative Subdivision
4. Cernny Karuniawati Raga, SST. as Head of the Kupang BPS Social Statistics Section
5. Artha Lucya Siahaan, SST. as the First Expert Statistic of the NTT Province BPS
6. Revelation Calvin Frans Mariel, SST. as NTT Province BPS First Computer Registry
7. Marthin Fernandes Sinaga, SST. as the First Expert Statistic of East Sumba Regency BPS
8. Miftah Amalia Putri, SST. as the First Expert Statistic of Rote Ndao Regency BPS
Hopefully the appointed official can carry out the new mandate properly and responsibly.
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