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New member of Statistics Troop BPS NTT

New member of Statistics Troop BPS NTT

New member of Statistics Troop BPS NTT

February 5, 2020 | Other Activities


It has become an annual agenda for BPS in NTT Province to welcome CPNS graduates from the STIS @polstatstis Statistics Polytechnic as employees in BPS in the NTT Province. This year 43 POLSTAT STIS graduates have been placed in various districts / cities in East Nusa Tenggara Province. Before they entered the BPS workforce in the East Nusa Tenggara Province, the leaders of the NTT Province gave a briefing and direction related to the job duties and various fields in BPS.
Held at the NTT Province BPS office this afternoon (05/02/2020), the directive was led directly by the Head of the NTT Province BPS, Darwis Sitorus. Through this direction CPNS is expected to know the general picture of work in the field later so that it is better prepared to deal with various conditions that exist in the BPS workforce.
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