Unite Step, Wipe Out Proverty - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Nusa Tenggara Timur Province

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Unite Step, Wipe Out Proverty

Unite Step, Wipe Out Proverty

January 13, 2020 | Other Activities

The beginning of the year is the right time to plan various development policies. Various considerations need to be taken to determine the steps to be taken in the coming year, especially in government so that development is on target and minimizes mistakes, including the NTT Provincial Government. Together with the NTT Province Central Statistics Agency, the NTT Bappeda held a discussion in the context of determining government policies to eradicate various socioeconomic problems in the province of NTT, especially poverty. Present in the middle of the discussion, the Head of the NTT Province Central Statistics Agency, Dervish Sitorus, and his staff.
Darwis explained the latest data on various NTT strategic indicators. In addition, he also discussed thoroughly how BPS poverty indicators are arranged. Through these efforts, it is hoped that the government will be able to obtain additional concrete information to overcome various NTT socioeconomic problems based on available facts and field data.
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