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Journalist Workshop in BPS NTT 2019

Journalist Workshop in BPS NTT 2019

Journalist Workshop in BPS NTT 2019

December 6, 2019 | Other Activities

Thursday morning, journalists from various media had filled the Kolbano Room, Sotis Hotel. They are preparing to take part in the Journalists Workshop as well as the SP2020 Socialization held by BPS NTT Province. The event that was held in order to expand journalists' knowledge about BPS data was filled with material from several echelon III and echelon IV ranks of BPS in NTT Province. The Head of the NTT Province BPS, Darwis Sitorus, S.Si, M.Sc, also shared knowledge about NTT's Strategic Data with the journalists present.

Through this event, BPS NTT also invited all journalists to participate in echoing Indonesia's big program next year, the 2020 Population Census. Given the new method for this census, the Online Population Census (SPO). NTT BPS also gave appreciation to several media that had actively sounded BPS data through the news.

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